Storing winter knits – Bee&Sons
Buy Better. Love Longer. Recycle

This is hilarious. I’ve worn my winter knits more than ever over the past month. It may be Spring on the calendar but it sure ain’t outside.
However, lots of you contact me about caring for your cashmere over the summer months, and if you really want to sort out the goddam moths once and for all – you’re going to need to invest in some recycled, recyclable plastic bags, and make some space in your freezer drawers. 
So, if summer ever arrives – here’s what you need to do.

  1. Wash your cashmere. Storing knitwear with any traces of sweat or food is asking for a moth invasion. There’s a link HERE on how to best wash your knitwear – which is by hand, using baby shampoo, followed by a 7 – 11 minute machine spin in a zippered pillowcase and a spell in an airing cupboard, or warm, moth-free place.
  2. Once dry, put your sweater in a recycled plastic bag and place it in your freezer for a week. Yes, your freezer. Nestled among the frozen peas.
  3. After a week, leave the sweater exactly as it is, in the bag, and pack it into a box with all the other sweaters individually wrapped in their bags. 
  4. You will kill eggs and larvae in the freezer, and between now and autumn, it’s a good time to ensure that any other wildlife is out of your wardrobe. I don’t know about cedar balls. I’m yet to find ones that really do the job. However I’m a big fan of Dr Killigan’s Clothing Moth Traps. They evidence their effectiveness in a satisfying yet rather morbid way. (Let’s hope the Buddhists aren’t right) I’m not sure the moth-attracting odour lasts for more than a month, so be sure to replace them regularly.
  1. Purdy & Figg do a Patchouli & Cedarwood Anti-Moth Counter Clean, which has a more pleasant fragrance than most moth repellants and works on all surfaces. Maybe wipe down the inside of your wardrobe and drawers before you replace your sweaters in the Autumn.